1 day ago · Case study on motivation with questions and answers. Ielts essay vocabulary topic wise pdf, case study of judicial review in india educational goals for college essay le personnage du roman dissertation how do i write a third person essay, case study comparing apples. How does a dissertation proposal look like in hindi essay on samay ka May 08, · A case study is a detailed study of a specific subject, such as a person, group, place, event, organization, or phenomenon. Case studies are commonly used in social, educational, clinical, and business research. A case study research design usually involves qualitative methods, but quantitative methods are sometimes also used Purchased to help think through my dissertation proposal. Yin provides a thoughtful overview of case study methodology, including attention to both larger considerations of using case study findings to further analytic generalizations and to the step-by-step details of doing case study research
Case study research qualitative content analysis
A case study case study research dissertation an in-depth, detailed examination of a particular case or cases within a real-world context. Generally, a case study can highlight nearly any individual, group, case study research dissertation, organization, event, belief system, or action.
Case study research has been extensively practiced in both the social and natural sciences. There are multiple definitions of case studies, which may emphasize the number of observations a small Nthe method qualitativethe thickness of the research a comprehensive examination of a phenomenon and its contextand the naturalism a "real-life context" is being examined involved in the research.
The term cross-case research is frequently used for studies of multiple cases, whereas within-case research is frequently used for a single case study. John Gerring defines the case study approach as an "intensive study of a single unit or a small number of units the casesfor the purpose of understanding a larger class of similar units a population of cases.
According to John Gerring, the key characteristic that distinguishes case studies from all other methods is the "reliance on evidence drawn from a single case and its attempts, at the same time, to illuminate features of a broader set of cases.
As with other social science methods, case study research dissertation single research design dominates case study research. Case studies can use at least four types of designs. First, there may be a "no theory first" type of case study design, which is closely connected to Kathleen M. Eisenhardt 's methodological work.
Yin 's guidelines and extensive examples. A representative scholar of this design is Michael Burawoy. However, although the designs can have substantial methodological differences, the designs also can be used in explicitly acknowledged combinations with each other.
While case studies can be intended to provide bounded explanations of single cases or phenomena, they are often intended to theoretical insights about the features of a broader population. Case selection in case study research is generally intended to both find cases that are a representative sample and which have variations on the dimensions of theoretical interest. In clarifying lines of history and causation it is more useful to select subjects that offer an interesting, unusual or particularly revealing set of circumstances.
A case selection that is based on representativeness will seldom be able to produce these kinds of insights. While random selection of cases is a valid case selection strategy in large-N research, there case study research dissertation a consensus among scholars that it risks generating serious biases in small-N research. Alternatively it may be chosen because of researchers' in-depth local knowledge; where researchers have this local knowledge they are in a position to "soak and poke" as Richard Fenno put it, [29] and thereby to offer reasoned lines of explanation based on this rich knowledge of setting and circumstances.
Beyond decisions about case selection and the subject and object of the study, decisions need to be made about purpose, approach and process in the case study. Gary Thomas thus proposes a typology for the case study wherein purposes are first identified evaluative or exploratorythen approaches are delineated theory-testing, theory-building or illustrativethen processes are decided upon, with a principal choice being between whether the study is to be single or multiple, case study research dissertation, and choices also about case study research dissertation the study is to be retrospective, snapshot or diachronic, and whether it is nested, parallel or sequential.
In a article, John Gerring and Jason Seawright list seven case selection strategies: [20]. For theoretical discovery, Jason Seawright recommends using case study research dissertation cases or extreme cases that have an extreme value on the X variable. Arend Lijphartand Harry Eckstein identified five types of case study research designs depending on the research objectivesAlexander George and Andrew Bennett added a sixth category: [31].
Aaron Rapport reformulated "least-likely" and "most-likely" case selection strategies into the "countervailing conditions" case selection strategy. The countervailing conditions case selection strategy has three components: [32]. In terms of case selection, Gary KingRobert Keohaneand Sidney Verba warn against "selecting on the dependent variable ". They argue for example that case study research dissertation cannot make valid causal inferences about war outbreak by only looking at instances where war did happen the researcher should also look at cases where war did not happen.
They argue that selecting on the dependent variable can be useful depending on the purposes of the research. King, Keohane and Verba argue that there is no methodological problem in selecting on the explanatory variablehowever. They do warn about multicollinearity choosing two or more explanatory variables that perfectly correlate with each other. Case studies have commonly been seen as a fruitful way to come up with hypotheses and generate theories.
Case studies are also useful for formulating conceptswhich are an important aspect of theory case study research dissertation. Case studies have been characterized as useful to assess the plausibility of arguments that explain empirical regularities. Through fine-gained knowledge and description, case studies can fully specify the causal mechanisms in a way that may be harder in a large-N study.
Strong chains actively connect elements of the causal chain to produce an case study research dissertation whereas weak chains are just intervening variables. Case studies of cases that defy existing theoretical expectations may contribute knowledge by delineating why the cases violate theoretical predictions and specifying the scope conditions of the theory. Qualitative research may be necessary to determine whether a treatment is as-if random or not.
As a consequence, case study research dissertation, good quantitative observational research often entails a qualitative component. Designing Social Inquiry also called "KKV"an influential book written by Gary KingRobert Keohanecase study research dissertation, and Sidney Verbaprimarily applies lessons from regression-oriented analysis to qualitative research, arguing that the same logics of causal inference can be used in both types of research.
The primary problem is that qualitative research lacks a sufficient number of observations to properly estimate the effects of an independent variable, case study research dissertation.
They write that the number of observations could be increased through various means, but that would simultaneously lead to another problem: that the number of variables would increase and thus reduce degrees of freedom. Achen and Duncan Snidal similarly argue that case studies are not useful for theory construction and theory testing. The purported "degrees of freedom" problem that KKV identify is widely considered flawed; while quantitative scholars try to aggregate variables to reduce the number of variables and thus increase the degrees of freedom, qualitative scholars intentionally want their variables to have many different attributes and complexity.
KKV also identify inductive reasoning in qualitative research as a problem, arguing that scholars should not revise hypotheses during or after data has been collected because it allows for ad hoc theoretical adjustments to fit the collected data, case study research dissertation. A commonly described limit of case studies is that they do not lend themselves to generalizability.
As small-N research should not rely on random sampling, scholars must be careful in avoiding selection bias when picking suitable cases. Alexander George and Andrew Bennett note that a common problem in case study research is that of reconciling conflicting interpretations of the same data.
One limit of case study research is that it can be hard to estimate the magnitude of a causal effect. Teachers may prepare a case study that will then be used in classrooms in the form of a "teaching" case study also see case method and casebook method. For instance, as early as at Harvard Law SchoolChristopher Langdell departed from the traditional lecture-and-notes approach to teaching contract law and began using cases pled before courts as the basis for class discussions.
Outside of law, teaching case studies have become popular in many different fields and professions, ranging from business education to science education. The Harvard Business School has been among the most prominent developers and users of teaching case studies.
Additional relevant documentation, case study research dissertation, such as financial statements, time-lines, case study research dissertation, short biographies, and multimedia supplements such as video-recordings of interviews often accompany the case studies. Similarly, teaching case studies have become increasingly popular in science education, covering different biological and physical sciences.
The National Center for Case Studies in Teaching Science has made a growing body of teaching case studies available for classroom use, for university as well as secondary school coursework.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Orum, A. A Case for the Case Study. Paradigms and Sand Castles. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. doi : ISBN Designing Social Inquiry. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Case Study Research: Case study research dissertation and Practices. Cambridge University Press. International Studies Perspectives. ISSN JSTOR Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences.
MIT Press. Encyclopedia of Case Study Research. Thousand Oaks, case study research dissertation, CA: SAGE Publications. Case Study Research: Design and Methods 6th ed. Classic Case Studies in Psychology. Abingdon, England: Hodder Education. and Søndergaard, Mikael Unraveling the Mysteries of Case Study Research: A Guide for Business and Management Students. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Annual Review of Political Science. Business Research. The Academy of Management Review. The Art of Case Study Research. The Extended Case Method: Four Countries, Four Decades, case study research dissertation, Four Great Transformations, and One Theoretical Tradition.
Berkeley: University of California Press. II, doi : Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research. Princeton University Press, In Seale, Clive; Silverman, David; Gobo, Giampietro; Gubrium, Jaber F. Qualitative Research Practice: Concise Paperback Case study research dissertation. Qualitative Inquiry. arXiv : S2CID OCLC Development of New Methods to Support Systemic Incident Analysis PDF Doctoral dissertation.
London: Queen Mary University. Safety Science.
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