There are two types of crime that can be considered complete opposites of each other. They are white collar crimes and street crimes. White collar crimes are considered nonviolent crimes committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his/her occupation such as fraud, embezzlement, or bribery. On the other hand Traditional and white collar crimes have two traits in common, an objective and a modus operandi, but the major difference is that a white collar criminal has a plan and also the ability, knowledge and technology to execute it (Nevis, ). White-collar crimes can occur at any occupational level and affects all parts of society, from big businesses The essay will finally present a case study relating to a White-Collar Crime committed in the United States. Introduction to White-Collar Crimes In its narrowest definition, White-Collar Crime is composed of those crimes committed by individuals in the upper and middle classes and/ or certain high-status blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins
White Collar Crime Essay | Bartleby
The U. This sample will explore the topic of white-collar crime in more depth with a focus on some famous cases that have made headlines in recent years, white collar crime essay.
White Collar crimes are a disgrace to the judicial system of any nation as they try to trap innocent people by marking them guilty for the crimes not committed by them. White-collar crimes are the crime that people commit in disguise by taking the benefit of their position.
It is a very serious issue that needs to be addressed with the utmost potential as many people have to suffer in this quagmire even when they are innocent. So this essay deals with the reasons and ways through which people sitting in a higher position manage to trap the poor people as guilty for their own crimes.
Also, solutions to overcome this judicial stigma are given in this essay, white collar crime essay. In case you want to have a deep sight on this side of the crime this essay is going to meet all your answers with greater clarity. Examples and relevant arguments are going to help you to give your own ideologies and opinions on the issue. So make sure that you are reading the entire essay for the better clarity of concepts on white-collar crime and also to know the seriousness of this crime.
Get Non-Plagiarized Custom Essay on White Collar Crime in USA Order Now. Here is the main essay which pushes certain arguments on white-collar crimes and also gives solutions and consequences to deal with this serious white collar crime essay in the world. Go through the essay and understand the depth of the issue. White-collar crimes are the most common in every society this is because loose rules of the nation allow the people sitting in higher positions to escape from their crimes easily through the loopholes that exist in the ruling system.
The types of white-collar crimes are like a fraud in construction work bypassing the site for construction even if it is soft soil in return for money or raising the rate of interest in banks in return for the bribery. There are other such examples as well which shows the depthless of the crimes that could be committed under the influence of position or designation by the officers. So this is the main cause that white-collar crimes happen in our society in modern times even.
Many channels are responsible for the facilitation of these crimes. Suppose if the president of a nation is corrupt what could be expected from the rest of his officers.
Even those who are honest have to leave their honesty for the security of a job and they become involved in white-collar crime as an important part of it. In this system of white-collar crimes, many people lose their lives and others fail to save white collar crime essay as innocent people are proved as criminals in such cases. It must be eradicated by society by implementing certain strict rules.
Our judicial system must be strong enough to deal with the people who commit white-collar crimes. There are many scams and bribery cases on an international scale but nobody comes in the front to speak upon them.
We should stop behaving like cowards and must confront this sort of situation with bravery. The people having higher designation must be drilled from their mind to inculcate that their position is temporary and if they would be found doing any white-collar crime that day will be the last day of their career.
Such types of things have a great influence on the criminals and they let their activities down. In case some officials who try to show their dominative behavior must be kept in the guidance of cops to make them sure about the crimes and criminals associated with them. A strong law should be there that can help innocent people from getting trapped by the rich ones. There are so many laws on white-collar crimes but sometimes they are also not working as people manage to get out of them by paying certain money or through escaping from the loopholes of the system and rules of the judiciary.
So it is like a disgrace if any court proves someone as guilty who is not involved in any sort of crime and being trapped by the other criminals. Certain white collar crime essay and improvements are needed to get out of the issues of white-collar crimes with an immediate effect on a global scale. A white-collar crime can save a person who is involved in a very heinous crime and also get innocent people trapped in this quagmire. So the government of every nation should white collar crime essay that there white collar crime essay be a proper investigation about the criminal cases which are associated with high profile people and poor ones.
As many a time, only poor people are released being innocent after punishment for years, white collar crime essay. A judicial system must be built upon such a basis that no innocent person gets any type of white collar crime essay. There must be equality of the person white collar crime essay front of law as disparity among the people can lead to the anarchy of a nation or the world if this will continue for the ages.
Buy Customized Essay on White Collar Crime At Cheapest Price Order Now. Here we can conclude that people of high designation are much involved in the crimes known as white-collar crimes and it could be stopped by a strong judicial system. The laws must be made in such a way that criminals fail to escape from the punishment even after trying his or her best.
Every effort and step must be taken to save the innocent people which are trapped in the net of crime without committing any crime, white collar crime essay. So make sure that every nation is bothered about its innocent citizens who become the victims of certain criminals. Hire USA Experts for White Collar Crime Essay Order Now. Get the help of a professional certified helper from StudentsAssignmentHelp. com to solve your problem of writing essay examples.
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What is a White Collar Crime?
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Traditional and white collar crimes have two traits in common, an objective and a modus operandi, but the major difference is that a white collar criminal has a plan and also the ability, knowledge and technology to execute it (Nevis, ). White-collar crimes can occur at any occupational level and affects all parts of society, from big businesses WHITE-COLLAR CRIME essay. The term “white-collar crime” was first used by criminologist Edwin Sutherland back in for the various nonviolent crimes usually committed in commercial areas for financial gain (McNISH, ). There is a common misconception that the white-collar crimes do not have victims, and thus they are not that dangerous/5(3) The essay will finally present a case study relating to a White-Collar Crime committed in the United States. Introduction to White-Collar Crimes In its narrowest definition, White-Collar Crime is composed of those crimes committed by individuals in the upper and middle classes and/ or certain high-status blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins
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